well… really, this… hm, how we call it? capitalist feast, if you will
well, this day never really was on my radar. it always pops up up though – someone reminds me of it or some uninvited tv ad makes it through my firewall.
this time it was my manager who said we could think of doing smth next year. it was, like, a week ago.
then i thought and imagined all these huge companies really seeing it as some sort of an opportunity and how they prepare special offers beforehand and work on strategies and so on, and oh dear i’m terrified.
instead there’s a way to slow down and buy something directly from artists. it might heal you or help you, or entertain you, and it might also feed them, you know?
so here are some links to artists that definitely could be a great new discovery for you. don’t know, some new music to love is so much more than a new couple of shoes, isn’t it?
these the works that i lately wanted to buy. never did though – can’t afford unfortunately. so in the end – a link to me too, so maybe i can afford more art? (after I start affording my living indeed).
yay! black friday, innit?
and me..
(in the spirit of the post’s topic – see above)
limited edition of ‘deviant comedy’ (our album with ‘gender id’ from2012) is now available on bandcamp, and OMG!
***i just made my whole discography available with a 50% discount***
(that’s how they do that?)
gene xxx