Fate’s Little Dance

Fate’s little dance 

Got me stomped down to the ground

And all my fears stood tall

Fate’s little dance

Got me closer to my dreams

But I forgot

The work was left to me

Fate’s little smile

Confused the child in me  

Now it’s left crying

So deep that i can’t hear

Fate’s little smile

Turned my life into a joke

I thought the world would laugh at least

But it seems they got it wrong

And if I ran

It all came chasing me

Tied to my ankle

Like ball and chain

And if I cheered

It all came crashing down

Right down my head

Making that disgusting sound

Bogolepov – ‘Fate’s Little Dance’ (listen/buy here)

Release date: 20.04.2020

Written & performed by:

Gene Bogolepov – vocals, synths, programming

Produced and mixed by Gene Bogolepov (St. Petersburg, 2016)

Mastered by David Whiting (Berlin, 2020)

Video credits

Music: Gene Bogolepov

Idea/Camera/Editing: Sasha Perova

MUA (Gene): Alina Sidelkovskaya

Actors: Sonya NovaVladyhell, Gene Bogolepov

Production: Gene Bogolepov, Vladyhell, Sasha Perova


Vladimir Zimov (Holy Water Bar)

Sonya Nova

Anna Ioda

Nastya Gapeeva

Alina Sidelkovskaya

Angela from Kupchino

Aleister Crowley

David Lynch

St. Petersburg – Moscow, Russia

Nov. 2016 – May. 2017

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