The Polish Project: Update (and some good news!)

Hello my dear friends,

For those of you who follow my story about the struggle LGBTIQ in Poland. In my previous post I shared the resolution text, which was used by authorities of some regions to declare these territories the so called “LGBT-free zones”. As I mentioned, I had many questions to the legal basis of such resolutions and – voila – I found a very profound juridicial analysis of these “documents” and translated it into English (please don’t judge me too hard – I was doing it with the help of Google translate, but in the end of the day you can understand the meaning of it and it’s the main point).

Here’s the source –

Attached you will find the overview and the full analysis in the PDF files that I created. 

Please let me know if you have any questions that I might answer or, perhaps, forward to my protagonists in Poland.

And the good news!

The Polish town Kobylka is the first town whose citizens have expressed their discontent with this anti-LGBT nonsense! Here’s the article about it (only in German, unfortunately)

Have a great day!

