Just a short report and thank you

Hey darlings,

So I wanted to give you a quick update/report. I have allocated the first money that I withdrew from my Patreon account. This time I decided not to use it for myself, as I still survive from the rest of my savings, instead I decided to help one of the people I help getting away from dangerous places on Earth. 

Ilia N., Russian queer activist and dissident, had to leave Russia in the mid 2019 and moved to Georgia, but never got any help there, so in January 2020 he managed to escape to Ukraine. His passport is expiring in less than 3 months so he cannot apply for residence there, neither can he apply for any European visa to seek asylum in one go the EU countries. I have been accompanying him since he had moved to Georgia and now I have decided to help him paying for his new passport (the fee is approx. 113 EUR, 82 of which I have added from my Patreon account).

I thank you very much for your support! Without you I couldn’t have afforded this!

If you wish to send some words of Support to Ilia, I would be happy to forward them to him.

And yes, Happy Valentine’s Day!

For me it’s the day, when we should first of all contemplate on the love we have for ourselves and share this love with everyone who surrounds us. Only love – pure, universal love – can save this world! 

We all deserve love, it is our basic human right! 

