After a long break

Hello my beautiful friends!

I apologise for being quiet for a while. It has been quite a journey for me lately. I don’t know even where to start.

I must be honest – this whole story about the so called “referendum” in Russia sucked all of my energy and taste to life. I was compulsively reading news from Russia, and day by day I felt like I am sliding into a deep depression, no matter what – antidepressants, good times with friends – it all just didn’t work. On top of that I have started the divorce procedure and I think it didn’t add positivity to my life.

In the end it felt like a torture even to stand up from my bed. It was difficult to work, painful to communicate and impossible to keep an air of “alrighty”.

But nevertheless – here I am, back and alive! And I would be happy to tell you what was going on lately and what’s planned. PLUS – a little exclusive piece for your dancing pleasure.


Firstly, thank you for participating in the #netmeansno project! No matter what was the result of the devilish constitutional “reform” that I prefer to refer to as constitutional coup, because, er, let’s use the correct words for things, right?

But I feel like we expressed our opinion, we added another voice to the choir of people saying “no” to this abomination. And I am happy we did it! Well done, us! 

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the link to the video –

Mother Russia single

Along with the video release, Mother Russia single is now available on all streaming services. It would be great if you could add the single to your collections to move it up the streaming algorithms. 

Spotify –

Apple Music –

Mother Russia Remix EP

Another thing we have started working on iiiiiis… The vinyl EP with Mother Russia remixes! I am so excited about this! And here’s the exclusive glimpse into it. The design mockup is ready, and attached you will find the remix of my wonderful friend Toni (here’s his project’s page – ). Please give it a listen and tell me what you think!

So far these are the news for today. Oh, and yes, I will announce my first live show since 2017 until the end of July. You’re on the the guest list already! I’ll send out the details soon!

Love love love
